***Consult your physician before starting any exercise routine***
You made it to the end of week 1 and No Excuse Workout #3. Now lets finish strong.
Day 3
Warm up:
- Cat Camel x 10-15
- Bird dog x 10
- Arm circles x 10-20 front and back
- Shoulder dislocates x 10-15. Just grab a PVC pipe or Broom stick and with your hands wide hold the the pipe in front of you with your arms straight bringing your arms up and over your head finishing with your hands and pipe behind you on lower back. Now simply reverse that and repeat.
- Shoulder wall slides x 10-15
- Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (Both arms at the same time). 4 sets x 12-15 reps. 90 sec rest If you don’t have DB’s you can use exercise bands or gallons of water.
- Pull Ups or Band pull downs. 3-4 sets x 12-15 reps .90 sec rest. If you don’t have a pull up system for your door jam you can simply use the bands draped over an open door. Now if you do have a pull up system but can’t perform a regular pull up (Yet) you can use a chair to stand on and take as much weight off of your body as needed to perform the recommended sets and reps. Now there’s no need to worry if you don’t have either of these pieces of equipment you can just do an extra 3 sets of rows but mix it up and perform them one hand at a time.
- Super set DB Hammer curls and Bent over lateral raises. 3 sets x 15 reps. 90 sec rest. Again if you don’t have DB’s you can use cans of food, water bottles or gallons of water. You get the point. Use your imagination.
- Super set Mason twists (aka Russian twists) and side planks. 4 sets x 15-20/10-30 sec. 1 min rest.
- Lat stretch 1-2 min
- Hip flexor couch stretch 1 min per side
- Upward dog 1 min
- Toe touch. 1 min
You have successfully finished week 1 of the Brickhouse No Excuse workouts and that is something to be proud of. You might be sore and tired but that will get easier as time goes on. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t look like a Greek god/goddess just yet. Stick with it and be consistent. The outcome with time, will surprise you. Friends and family will notice your progress before you do, so STICK WITH IT.
If this is your 2nd or 3rd round of the Brickhouse No Excuse Workout, you can add sets, reps, weight and even shorten your rest periods to make the workouts more difficult as you get stronger. Eventually the exercise bug will bite you HARD and you will either get a gym membership or possibly start collecting your own equipment and creating a home gym. You may even compete in something one day. Until Next week I want you to keep busy by going for walks, doing yoga, playing any sport. Anything that gets you moving for 30 min – 1 hour is great. New workouts will be posted every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Please share on your social media and with your friends if you liked our No Excuse workout #3.
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