5 Proven Biohacks Every Powerlifter Should Try Now!

Biohacks. Do they really work?

Are you tired of hitting plateaus as a powerlifter and feeling like a mere mortal in the gym? It’s time to level up your powerlifting game with some seriously badass biohacks that will have you bench-pressing cars and deadlifting small buildings in no time. We’re diving into the world of biohacking for powerlifters with our top 5 picks that promise to transform you from  tiny Tim into a Brickhouse of strength and muscle gains. Get ready to laugh, learn, and lift!

1. Bulletproof Coffee? Nah, Try Beefcake Brew!

Picture this: You stroll into the gym like a Viking warrior ready to conquer. But wait, what’s this? You’ve got a cup of Bulletproof Coffee in hand? Oh no, my friend, that’s just the warm-up. Introducing the “Beefcake Brew” – a concoction so mighty that it’ll give Thor’s hammer a run for its money. Swap your regular morning joe with this protein-packed potion: blend your coffee (Try a bag of Brickhouse Power coffee here) with a scoop of whey protein, a dollop of coconut oil, and a dash of cinnamon. You’ll be ready to deadlift continents in no time! Remember, if your coffee isn’t thick enough to eat with a fork, you’re not doing it right. Starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast that includes sources like eggs, Greek yogurt, or a protein shake is significantly better than just a cup of coffee. Studies show that spreading your protein intake throughout the day, including right after your workout, can maximize muscle protein synthesis and support your strength goals.

Beefcake Brew Biohacks

Beefcake Brew For The Win!

2. Circadian Zombie Apocalypse Training:

Stop with the 4 AM Alarm. Your friends can brag how early they get up all they want while you shoot past their total. “I benched before sunrise.” So, what! Do you want to lift early or more? Meet your new secret weapon. Your circadian rhythm. Research indicates that aligning your training schedule with your body’s natural internal clock can enhance performance. Tailor your heavy lifting sessions to coincide with your body’s peak energy levels, which usually occur during the late morning and early afternoon. Not only can this optimize your strength gains, but it can also improve overall workout quality and reduce the risk of injuries.

biohacks circadian rhythm

Choose Your Time Wisely

3. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Gain-est of Them All?

Visualization and mental training for peak performance has been around for a long time for good reason. Your mirror can do more than reflect your gains—it can also reflect your mental prowess. Visualization and mental training are scientifically proven techniques to enhance performance. Spend a few minutes daily visualizing successful lifts and competition scenarios. Studies suggest that this practice can improve muscle activation and motor skills by strengthening the mind-muscle connection. Before you know it, you’ll be squatting Mack trucks while yelling, “I have the power!” Just be prepared for odd looks from your roommate when they spot Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson giving them the side-eye during breakfast.

Biohacks Mirror

Visualize The Win.

4. Take a break Dude!

Incorporating deload weeks for sustainable progress is one of the best hacks PERIOD. While the idea of heavy lifts all the time may bring a smile, it’s essential to maintain a well-structured training program for long-term gains. Enter deload weeks: planned periods of reduced training intensity and volume. These weeks allow your body to recover, prevent overtraining, and ultimately lead to better gains in the long run. Think of it as hitting the pause button to prevent burnout and ensure your powerlifting journey keeps moving forward.

Biohacks 4olbs DB

Planned Rest Is Better Than Forced Rest

5. Power Naps on a Bed of Dumbbells

Prioritize quality sleep. This is a must! Sleeping on a bed of dumbbells might sound like a good idea to some of you but quality sleep is a powerful biohack you can’t afford to ignore. During deep sleep, your body releases growth hormone, vital for muscle repair and growth. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night and create a sleep-conducive environment by keeping your room dark, cool, and electronic-free before bed. It’s like giving your body a nightly upgrade. We’ve all heard of power naps, but have you ever experienced 9 solid ass hours in a dark cold room of uninterrupted sleep? Your brain will be buzzing with new PR ideas by the time you wake up, and your biceps might even have developed biceps of their own! This is the Biohackiest biohack of all Biohacks.

Biohacks sleeping in hammock

Sleeping is Key!


There you have it, fellow iron-pumping enthusiasts – the top 5 biohacks to transform your powerlifting journey into a superhero saga. From Beefcake Brew to sleeping like bigfoot in a hammock, these strategies will surely progress your training. Remember, biohacking isn’t just about optimizing your body; it’s about learning and embracing what works for you. So, grab your cape (or lifting belt) and new biohacks and get ready to conquer the gym with newfound strength, laughter, and a sprinkle of absurdity. It’s time to lift, laugh, and level up!

The Only Thing Stopping You Is You!!!


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